Saturday 8 March 2014

Women’s Day 2014: Celebrity supermums tell us how they manage the madness!

March 8 is International Women’s Day.
 We see them everywhere — on our television screens, in those flashy magazines, at social dos, etc. They carry themselves gracefully and exude the kind of confidence and strength we all desire for ourselves. They have families, dispense their womanly duties, are doting mothers, caring wives and have made a mark in the society by sheer talent and hard work.  It makes you wonder how they manage to do so many things together. On the occasion of Women’s Day, we talked to Roshni Chopra, Pooja Bedi and Tara Sharma to let us in on the secret and tell us how they manage the madness:
Q: How can one strike a work life balance?
Roshni Chopra: This doesn’t come easy, juggling the many roles as a woman and striking a balance can be very tedious. It is more so for the working mums. Women trying hard to balance life and work should understand that they need to operate like superheroes, get things done in a jiffy – swiftly, effortlessly and with near perfection. We mums have almost learned this skill and mastered it too.  The best part is that being a working woman and a mother brings out the inner superwoman in you. But this ability is not just restricted to working mums, the stay-at-home mums are no less. Women, you know what a tough job it is. Our strength and determination are like the cloak and mask of a superhero that we wear just to get the usual stuff done during the day. And that’s how we work each day of our lives.
Pooja Bedi: To maintain a work life balance you need to work on yourself and prioritize things. It’s important that you learn the art of time management. What works for one person isn’t going to work for the other. So work it out to find how you can maximize all your roles as a mother, daughter, wife etc. Do not forget your individuality in the process. You need to give yourself attention too. Only then will you be able to give your 100 per cent to all that you do without any resentment.
Tara Sharma: I believe, to each his own in everything. One needs to find what works for oneself and adapt well to the changes that happen post marriage and childbirth. Don’t expect things to be the same as before. Like in my case to strike a balance between work and family I started to work on my own show. This is how I could help myself stay happy around my family and garner work satisfaction. I produce, write and host my show The Tara Sharma Show – Diaries of a New Mum. I know this isn’t possible for everyone. My choice of work has enabled me to spend quality time at home and work alike.
How can one make time for oneself for one’s health sake?
Roshni Chopra: In fact if you are keen to strike a work-life balance you mustn’t compromise on your health. Prioritizing your health should be a conscious decision. I dedicate an hour a day five times a week to exercise. Motivating self should be a part of your prioritizing process. If you aren’t motivated enough, find an exercise or an activity that suits you. In this way you can help yourself stay healthy and steal out some me-time too.
Pooja Bedi: Women need to understand that till their mid-twenties it was fine to ignore their health and beauty for a while since Mother Nature was still on their side. But after that age, it becomes really necessary to take care of self. Not only exercise and diet, one needs to choose the right facials too and follow a beauty regimen. You need to do everything that makes you happy and feel good to improve your health quotient.
Tara Sharma: It is important to maintain a work-life-health balance for us women and not just a work-life one. As a mum if you are happy and healthy that’s what you are going to rub off on your children and other members of the family. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. All you need to do is exercise and eat right. That’s the simplest way to achieve your health and happiness goals.
 What is your advice to our women readers?
Roshni Chopra: Stop waiting for happiness from an external source. Instead take care of yourself. Respect and look after yourself, your body your peace your calm. In this way you will be a source of happiness for self.
Pooja Bedi: Take good care of yourself because no one else can do it for you.
Tara Sharma: Figure out what works best for you and follow your rules. You don’t have to take the path of what your friend, aunt or others have done. You know what is best for you and work towards it. Only you can understand how you can help your family and fulfill your desires through your actions.  
Women's Day 2014 
Women have the tendency to put everything before themselves – their parents, their brothers, their in-laws, their husband and pretty much anyone who comes around. We at feel that this is simply unfair and everyone woman should take out the time to pledge to make time for themselves. Enter your phone number and email id, tell us your answer and stand a chance to win Flipkart Vouchers! What’s your health pledge woman?

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