Thursday, 20 March 2014

'Scandal': Katie Lowes On #WhoGotShot Theories, Quinn's Future

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Katie Lowes on ‘Scandal’

“Scandal” pulled a massive OMG move on last week’s episode (spoilers ahead if you’re not caught up!) as Jake Ballard – now Command of B613 – fired a gun at either David Rosen or James Novak.
Katie Lowes, who plays fallen Gladiator Quinn Perkins on the ABC hit, stopped by Access Hollywood Live on Thursday where she dished on possible theories as to what happened, including the possibility that fans will not have to mourn the loss of James or David come tonight.
“He’s got two [guns]. It is weird,” Katie told Billy Bush and Kit Hoover of Jake’s final scene in the most recent “Scandal” episode, after he shot two women and appeared to shoot either David or James. “It does leave major questions, like why did he use two guns? Is one a silencer? Is one blanks? Is one a warning shot? Does anybody die?”

The actress couldn’t divulge much info, but she did say she’s learned that her plot theories usually turn out to be incorrect.
“All I can say is every single thing I thought was going to happen on this show doesn’t,” she said. “So that’s what I use as my meter now, which is, if you think it’s going to happen, it’s not.”

As for what’s going on with her character, Quinn, Katie said she’s grateful she’s been able to play someone with such an incredible arc.
“From the pilot episode where I would do anything for Olivia Pope and now I’m holding her at gunpoint – it’s like, thank you, Shonda Rimes, and all the writers — I’ve just gone on this incredible journey,” she said, going on to explain why Quinn has been rebelling against Liv and associates as of late. “She is just so angry. Every single time Olivia Pope says, ‘Let me come and help you,’ it’s not a good thing. So in that car scene when Olivia says, ‘Let me help you,’ it’s like, ‘No, no, no, I’m helping myself now. And I have to learn to put boundaries and I have to take up business on my own.’”
“Scandal” airs Thursdays at 10 PM on ABC.

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